الخط الساخن الوطني: +8615538086571

Business Overview Mining

Our mines, located in East, South, and Central Kalimantan, are administered by our subsidiaries, namely PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Bharinto

Working at Trubaindo Coal Mining company profile and

101-1,000 employees. Primary location. An ITM Subsidiary - Site Muara Bunyut Kecamatan Melak Kutai Barat 75765. PT Trubaindo Coal Mining PT Bharinto Ekatama

PT. Trubaindo Coal Mining PT. Bharinto Ekatama - LinkedIn

Bharinto Ekatama 1,571 followers on LinkedIn. Location based in Kalimantan.

PT Bharinto Ekatama Company Profile 2024: Valuation, Investors ...

Information on acquisition, funding, investors, and executives for PT Bharinto Ekatama. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile.

pt trubaindo pt معدن ذغال سنگ bharinto ekatama محوطه ...

pt trubaindo معدن زغال سنگ pt bharinto ekatama. پی دی اف فرز ذغال سنگ trubaindokontraktor دی PT trubaindo معدن زغال سنگ PT معدن lobunta و خدمات ذغال سنگ شغل kerja PT trubaindo, پی دی اف طلا سنگ,

Business Overview Mining

Pertambangan Tambang-tambang ITM yang berada di Kalimantan Timur, Selatan, dan Tengah dikelola oleh anak-anak usaha Perusahaan, yaitu PT Indominco Mandiri, PT

معدن زغال سنگ pt trubaindo pt bharinto ekatama

معدن زغال سنگ pt trubaindo pt bharinto ekatama. معدن زغال سنگ pt trubaindo pt bharinto ekatama Pt trubaindo coal mining tcm pt bharinto ekatama be sep 15 2011 pt

About Our History

ITM took over PT Jorong Barutama Greston and a minority stake of PT Trubaindo Coal Mining. After almost a year of preparations, the Initial Public Offering of ITM finally came

PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA, Jakarta, Indonesia, Pondok Indah Office

Find company information, contact details, financial data company linkages for PT. BHARINTO EKATAMA of Jakarta, Indonesia.

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